Wastewater treatment

Implement top wastewater treatment using IoT in India for better monitoring and efficient water processing.

Transform Wastewater Treatment with Intelligent IoT

Process Optimization

The data shared by a wireless sensor network using IoT during water parameter monitoring is stored in the cloud with the help of a connector. The data can be used to optimize every stage of treatment with real-time alerts and insights on DO, CoD, BoD, TDS, TSS, pH, etc.

Predictive Maintenance

IoT solutions help in the early detection of potential issues, ensure timely interventions, and minimize downtime in treatment processes. Also, by accurately predicting when maintenance is required, treatment plants can optimize their resources and reduce the costs and the time spent.

Remote Operation and Control

Remote monitoring using IoT sensors can allow operators to oversee and manage wastewater treatment processes from a distance. The real-time oversight enables the optimization of operations, ensuring that the systems run at peak efficiency.

Environmental Compliance

IoT solutions monitor and manage waste effectively and ensure that treatment processes have minimal adverse environmental impacts. With real-time tracking of various parameters, such as chemical concentrations, pH levels, and biological content,  management can understand the treatment process and its efficacy.

Data Analysis and Decision-making

IoT-enabled wastewater treatment plants provide crucial data such as chemical usage, energy consumption, flow rates, tank levels, equipment status, and real-time system anomalies or failure alerts. It can improve decision-making and provide ideal wastewater treatment results.

Real-time Monitoring

IoT solutions ensure real-time monitoring in wastewater treatment, which can help operators monitor the entire treatment process continuously and accurately. Real-time monitoring aids in resource management, which allows for the optimization of energy usage and chemical treatments.

Industries We Serve

We create simple IoT solutions to help you meet your unique needs and goals


water treatment

oil and gas industry

transportation and infrastructure


Food and Beverage

Renewable Energy Sector


Chemical and Petrochemical


water treatment

oil and gas industry

transportation and infrastructure


Food and Beverage

Renewable Energy Sector


Chemical and Petrochemical

Case studies

18 Oct 2023
Scientists at MIT and Kohala Center have created a Havai'i Island Vog Network that provides real-time
17 Oct 2023
Farmers without access to advanced irrigation technology face various challenges. They struggle with imprecise water management because they rely